20:15, leaving the computer humming I hop in the car, swing by Mearnzis and off to the movie house, Glengormley. Glengormley cinema is retro, old school cinema, smells like a laundry shop and I half expected there to be an interval for some guy with a torch to sell ice cream, but no such luck.
Warrior was the film of choice, and a good choice at that. For a film about UFC I was expecting it to be rough and tumble, explosive ring fighting stuff without much of a storyline but I was happily proved wrong! A tear jerker I was not expecting maybe it surprised me and that’s what had me biting my lip or maybe I’m just a bit of a girl when the sad music starts playing.
Apart from my bladder nearly exploding I enjoyed the show and loved the performances from Tom Hardy and Nick Nolte!
Live long and prosper…